After a recent hail storm, upon which my roof was ruined, I began looking for a roofing contractor. After hearing about several dissatisfied experiences from friends that had roofs replaced by other companies, I was a little wary. In January of 2012, I contracted with the services of Aaron Roofing to replace my roof. Let me tell you, the pleasure was all mine. I’ve worked with many professionals and contractors in recent years, and very few can match the professionalism and integrity that Mr. Arrington has in dealing with business obligations and transactions. He did what he said he would and when he would. The roof looks great. The crew that was on my house was considerate and careful with the shrubs, flower beds, and grass. I have a custom home with a very large roof with a lot of hips and valleys. Very tricky for the amateur. These guys did it to perfection, and fast. If I had to do it over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. Again Aaron Roofing & Restoration made a daunting job a pleasure. Thanks Aaron Roofing & Restoration.
When we moved into our new home, we learned that we needed a new roof. The last thing we needed was the cost involved in building a new roof. We were pleasantly surprised with how easy and affordable Aaron Roofing & Restoration made it! They even hauled all of their debris! We are glad we found Aaron Roofing & Restoration!
I thought that our building would be too large for a reasonable priced roofing company. Aaron Roofing & Restoration proved me wrong. Our building looks amazing. Thanks Aaron Roofing & Restoration!
We have always heard of Aaron Roofing & Restoration’s great reputation. We decided to give them a try, and boy was I glad that we did! I have never had to worry about the structural integrity of our premises since…even during snow season!
We’ve had a number of roofing companies work on our roof and I can say that not only was Aaron the best and easy to work with but met all of our needs and was the type of company I would have my family and friends use when they need to get their roof done. Mike the person in charge of the crew always a true gentleman and made sure everything met what we agreed to have done.